Water Distribution Control for the Puerto Rico Acqueducts and Sewer Authority

Location & Contractors:

Barceloneta - TEC General Contractors,

Guánica - REVA Construction,

Guaynabo - HUMA Corporation,

Humacao - Bermudez Longo Diaz Masó,

San Juan - EMEco, Inc.


Puerto Rico Acqueducts and Sewer Authority

Construction Costs:


Years of Completion:


JRT Scope:

Project management, construction inspection

Project Description.

PRASA has water distribution problems throughout the island of PR. The estimated loss between the reservoirs and the clients(residential, commercial, industrial) is more than 50% of the delivery. Part of the problem is in distribution inefficiencies. Some branches of the distribution study have been studied under hydraulic models for efficiency. Part of these were refurbished under the ARRA funds disbursed under the Obama administration. These projects were evaluated and served with contracts which were made specifically under the studies. No plans were available.

This was a major challenge for an inspection service since no plans were given to inspect. Our personnel had to develop specific construction plans with PRASA and CH2M Hill. These plans were implemented in the field with very close coordination between the agency,CH2M Hill and JRT.


The projects were all completed with a minimal and sometimes zero variance in budget, regardless of the fact that no plans were involved. JRT completed more than 7 of these projects under the ARRA program.

Project Highlights.

  • Work performed in 6 municipalities
  • Scope of work included branch lines and main lines
  • Special peculiarity: no design prints available

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